What it means to be certified.

Certification Standards

for NLP - Hypnotherapy - Success Coaching - EFT - Touch for Health Kinesiology

The following are the standards set forth by the IBCP Board of Certification as minimum standards required for certification.


Practitioner of NLP, Hypnotherapy, TIME Techniques, Success/Life Coaching, EFT

  1. Duration of Training: Minimum of 120 hours of training in the basics of NLP, hypnosis and/or TIME Techniques patterns taught by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer, with excercises under the direct supervision of a Master Trainer, a Trainer, or a Master Practitioner under the Master Trainer's or Trainer's guidance required. The three trainings and hours can run currently.

  2. Demonstration of ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of NLP and to utilize them competently with self and with others.

    1. Behavioral integration of the basic presuppositions of NLP, including:

    2. Outcome orientation with respect for others’ models of the world and the ecology of the system.

    3. Distinction between map and territory.

    4. There is only feedback (cybernetic)-no failure.

    5. Meaning of your communication is the response you get.

    6. Adaptive intent of all behavior.

    7. Everyone has the necessary resources to succeed.

    8. Resistance is a signal of insufficient pacing.

    9. Law of requisite variety.

    10. Rapport, establishment and maintenance of.

    11. Pacing and Leading (verbal and non verbal).

    12. Calibration (sensory based experience).

    13. Representational systems (predicates, and accessing cues).

    14. Meta-Model.

    15. Milton-Model.

    16. Elicitation of well-formed, ecological outcomes and structures of present state.

    17. Overlap and Translation.

    18. Metaphor creation.

    19. Frames; contrast, relevancy, As If, Backtrack.

    20. Anchoring (VAK).

    21. Anchoring (VAK).

    22. Ability to shift consciousness to external or internal, as required by the moment's task.

    23. Dissociation and Association.

    24. Chunking.

    25. SubModlities.

    26. Verbal and non-verbal elicitation of responses.

    27. Accessing and building of resources.

    28. Reframing.

    29. Strategies; detection, elicitation, utilization, & installation.

    30. Demonstration of behavioral flexibility.

    31. Hypnosis induction (Hypnosis)

    32. Deepening techniques (Hypnosis)

    33. Direct suggestion (Hypnosis)

    34. Timeline elicitation (TIME Techniques)

    35. Discovery of root cause (TIME Techniques)

    36. Eliminating negative emotions(TIME Techniques)

    37. Eliminating limiting decisions (TIME Techniques)

    38. Changing direction of the timeline (TIME Techniques)

    39. Putting a single SMART goal into the future (TIME Techniques)

Master Practitioner NLP, Master Hypnotherapy, Master TIME Techniques, Master Success/Life Coaching

  1. Duration of Training: Minimum of 120 hours of advanced training taught by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer with excercises under the direct supervision of a Master Trainer, a Trainer, or a Master Practitioner under the Master Trainer's or Trainer's guidance required. The four trainings and hours can run currently.

  2. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques patterns and concepts of NLP and to utilize these competently with self and with others.

    1. All practitioner level skills, singly and in combination.

    2. Design individualized interventions (generative and remedial).

    3. Ecological change work.

    4. Shifting easily back and forth between content and form, and experience and label.

    5. Specific Master Practitioner Skills:

      1. Meta Programs

      2. Criteria (Values)

        1. Identification and utilization.

        2. Criteria ladder.

        3. Elicitation of complex equivalence and adjustment of criteria.

        4. Sleight of mouth.

      3. Installation and utilization of strategies.

      4. Refined use of submodalities.

      5. Deliberate multi-level communication.

      6. Negotiations.

      7. Presentation skills.

      8. Modeling.

      9. Utilization and transformation of beliefs and presuppositions.

    6. Utilization and transformation of beliefs and presuppositions.

    7. Advanced ideomotor response, such as pendulum (Hypnosis)

    8. Detailed Personal History (TIME Techniques)

    9. Personal Breakthrough Session format (TIME Techniques)

    10. Emotional chains (TIME Techniques)

    11. Timeline regression (TIME Techniques)

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 25 hours of training in the basics of hypnosis taught by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be acertained in another pre-approved way.

  2. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of hypnosis and to utilize them competently with self and with others.

    1. History of hypnosis

    2. Dispelling myths and educating about what hypnosis really is

    3. Proper interview techniques

    4. Hypnosis induction

    5. Deepening techniques

    6. Direct suggestion

    7. Future pacing and/or End-Result Imagery

    8. Awakening the client

    9. Post-hypnotic suggestion

Master Hypnotherapist

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 120 hours of training in the methods of Hypnotherapy and/or Hypnosis-Related NLP by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be acertained in another pre-approved way.

  2. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of hypnosis and to utilize them competently with self and with others.

    1. Multiple (three or more) Traditional Induction Styles

    2. The Mechanics and Application of Rapid Induction

    3. Revivification

    4. Producing Deep Trance Phenomena

    5. Age and Past Life Regression

    6. Therapeutic Metaphor

    7. Direct suggestion

Success/Life Coach

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 25 hours of training in the basics of coaching taught by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be acertained in another pre-approved way.

  2. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of coaching and to utilize them competently with others.

    1. Proper interview techniques

    2. Directed questioning for results

    3. Giving structured feedback (Feedback sandwich or similar)

    4. Reframing or similar

    5. Motivation mechanics (toward vs away)

    6. SMART Goals or similar

    7. Future pacing

Master Coach

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 120 hours of training in the methods of coaching or coaching-related NLP by a Certified Trainer or a Certified Master Practitioner under the supervision of a trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be acertained in another pre-approved way.

  2. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of coaching and to utilize them competently with self and with others.

    1. Coaching organizations

    2. Negotiation and/or mediation skills

    3. Structured thinking

    4. Structured thinking

    5. An understanding of locical levels in multiple contexts

    6. Conversational change techniques (Erickson, Quantum Linguistics, etc)

Emotional Freedom Techniques

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 25 hours of training in the basics of coaching taught by a Certified Master Trainer, or a Certified Trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be acertained in another pre-approved way.

  2. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of EFT and to utilize them competently with others.

    1. Proper interview techniques

    2. Directed questioning for results

    3. Knowledge of and skill at tapping all tapping points (traditional and new)

    4. Identifying and targeting a problem's aspects

    5. Sensory acuity

Touch for Health Kinesiology


Certification Standards

Touch for Health Kinesiology Association & The International Kinesiology College

The Touch for Health® Kinesiology Synthesis (Level 1-4)

Prerequisites: None

Length: 60/64 hours

The TFH Synthesis includes a 60/64 classroom hours to cover levels 1-4, usually taught over 4 weekends or a week long intensive. The class will provide practical, hands-on experience in the TFH system of postural, energetic and mental/ emotional balancing. A certificate of attendance is provided for participants in levels 1-4, from the International Kinesiology College, which is the only authorized worldwide organization responsible for curriculum and standards of Touch for Health®.

Touch for Health Level 1

Prerequisite: none

Length: 15/16 hours

Touch for Health Level 1 is for laypeople and health professionals. You will learn the art of muscle testing and the basic procedure to balance the body’s muscles and acupuncture meridians as presented in Dr. John Thie’s book, Touch for Health.

You will learn:

  • To increase your energy level

  • Reduce stress and pain

  • Increase mental clarity

  • Enhance immune system function

       The basic balancing system includes:

  • How to test and correct 14 muscles/meridians, including the spinal reflexes, neurolymphatic reflexes, neurovascular points, and meridians

  • You will learn how to assess nutritional support for the muscles

  • How to effectively reduce emotional stress and pain by touch

Touch For Health Level 2

Prerequisite: Touch For Health Level 1

Length: 15/16 hours

Touch for Health Level 2 builds on the skills taught in level 1. Learn 14 new muscle tests and additional corrections especially helpful for back pain, strengthening the core muscles, assessing the legs and neck.

The new techniques and concepts presented in Touch For Health Level 2 are:

  • Circuit Locating, which helps identify the body’s preference for
    balancing technique

  • Alarm Points for over-energy detection

  • The Meridian Wheel and Time of Day Balance

  • Five Elements theory

  • Three self-balancing techniques

  • Additional pain control skills and short cuts to improve efficiency

Touch For Health Level 3

Prerequisites: Touch For Health Levels 1 & 2

Length: 15/16 hours

Touch for Health Level 3 goes further in depth with the application of the Five Elements Theory in balancing skills using color and emotions.

  • You will experience how balancing with goals and emotions brings results that are much deeper and longer lasting

  • Another 14 additional muscles will be taught

  • You will learn about pain tapping, gait testing and acupressure holding points

  • Chronic muscle problems will be addressed by the Reactive Muscle correction that clears long-standing patterns quickly and permanently in most cases

Touch For Health Level 4

Prerequisites: Touch For Health Levels 1, 2 & 3

Length: 15/16 hours

This course

  • SynthesisReviews the 42 muscle balance expanding how to test all muscles both standing and laying

  • Learn the Tibetan Figure 8 Energy technique

  • How to effectively release traumatic muscle memory through the postural stress release method

  • You will also be shown how to prioritize and utilize all the skills in the TFH system in an easy, practical format

Touch for Health Kinesiology Association offers Continuing Education hours for Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Personal Trainers through accredited agencies.

  • Acupuncturists NCCAOM Provider # 947

  • Massage Therapists NCBTMB Provider # 050467-00

  • ISSA provider #19-68214
    California Board of Registered Nursing # CEP 13015

Students wishing to further their training can go on to become a TFH Instructor/Consultant by attending the 16 hour Touch For Health Proficiency Skills Review and the 64 hour Touch For Health Instructor Training Workshop. For more info - www.touchforhealth.us